Protecting the health, safety and welfare of the general public and animals of WV through public education, enforcing licensing standards for veterinarians, registered veterinary technicians, certified animal euthanasia technicians and veterinary and euthanasia facilities

Controlled Substances Inventory
It is recommended that a witness also sign the inventory forms.  There are fields on the inventory that are required; such as, close of business day or beginning of business day.  If audited by the DEA, 1 missing field could cost over $15,000. Templates are located on the Boards website.  DEA Regulations can be found at

Schedule I-II controlled substances and Schedule III-V documents must  be separated from each other but can be in the same binder.  All documents must be readily accessible; so they must be printed and accessible. 

· Initial and Biennial Inventory

· Form 222

· Invoices

· Receipts

An initial inventory must be completed on the initial day of receiving a DEA permit or when a veterinarian in charge has changed.  If you do not have any inventory, then list “0” as your inventory total. A form template is located on the Boards website. 

A biennial inventory must be completed by every DEA registrant every 2 years from the date of the last annual or biennial inventory.  Of course, inventories can be done more than every 2 years.   A form template is located on the Boards website. 

Ordering Controlled Substances

For Schedule I—II complete DEA Form 222 to order controlled substances .  Keep form for 2 years.  Must write on form the date and quantity received. 

For Schedule III-V are invoiced by the vendor. 

Loss of Controlled Substances

Notify DEA within 24 hours to report loss of controlled substances and then complete DEA Form 106.  Loss of drugs in transit should be done by the vendor.  There must be a police report for theft of a controlled substance. 

Disposing of Controlled Substances  Options

· An approved DEA Reverse Distributor or

· Incinerator 

· DEA Form 41 must be completed and a witness’ signature is required. 

· If you do not have an incinerator, you can transfer your controlled substances to another willing facility that has an incinerator by using the DEA Form 222. 

WV Pharmacy Permit

· Is NOT required if a veterinarian has the DEA permit.

· Is required if a facility has a DEA permit and the veterinarians are using the facility DEA permit instead of their own DEA permit.